Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I know, I know!

OK, so I haven't been so good at blogging! I have done a lot since then. The biggest thing was taking a class with my IDOL, Tim Holtz!!!!!!!! I am posting pictures of this Mega Workshop. I attended the Mega Workshop in June at Ten Seconds Studio. The picture on the left is the embossed metal that was attached to the sides of the frame. Cheryl Darrow from Ten Seconds Studio taught this portion of the Mega Workshop. The finished project on the right is the Curio of Creativity the fantabulous, uber creative, mega talented Tim Holtz taught. One of the most valuable things I learned from this workshop was not to think about it. Tim said, "Just create, don't even think about it...and believe me, I will know if you think about it" I believed him. It really works! Not thinking just kind of frees up your mind and let's the creativity take over.
Tim and Mario are super nice, down to earth, funny, great guys. Cheryl and Megan are just as crazy as they are in their Taco Tuesday videos. If you ever have a chance to take a class or workshop from Tim or Cheryl, don't pass it up!


  1. you probably are busy but I hope to read more of the blog when you have time!


  2. also, you gotta teach me how to do the side bar queen blinkie! Love your top part too (forgot what it's called) title area....
